NABC Stay In To Win Program

College coaches and their players join together with middle school and high school teachers and administrators to motivate and encourage students, particularly those at risk of dropping out, to stay in school to graduation.  By delivering the message that success in education is fundamental to success in life, students will be enlightened as to the impact of decisions they make in school.

Coaches and their players play key roles in outreach to students as they communicate the value of effective decision-making skills and the impact that academic, career, and personal decisions made now will have on their futures.

Coaches and their players will also serve as catalysts, encouraging students to develop Success Teams to help them overcome obstacles and Success Plans to guide them as they make the educational and career decisions that will direct their lives.

Program Materials

Program materials for coaches, players, teachers, and school administrators are available on the NABC web site.  These materials are designed to support in-school presentations and can be adapted to meet the needs of participating schools.  Please note that the “Stay in to Win” Program is intended to supplement, not replace, dropout prevention and career planning initiatives already in place within participating schools.

“Stay in to Win” program materials are provided to support and assist teachers and counselors as they integrate tools and techniques into the student success initiatives and efforts already in place.


  • Stay in to Win PowerPoint, Presenter’s Guide, and Talking Points for Principals, Counselors, and Teachers.

Click here to access a copy of the script for school staff to use to present the Stay in to Win PowerPoint in classroom settings.

Click here for the Stay in to Win PowerPoint for school staff to use during classroom presentations to reinforce the Keys to Student Success message and teach the decision-making process to students.

Click here to access Talking Points school staff can utilize as useful conversation starters for
individual, small group, and class discussions.


  • Talking Points for Coaches and Players for School Presentation

Click here to access a script for coaches and players to use when presenting a Stay in to Win student assembly.


  • The NABC “Stay in to Win” Guidebook is packed with the following tools, tips, and techniques that teachers and counselors can use to support students as they make important decisions throughout school:

         Click Here for the Guidebook 

         Also in the Guidebook you will find A Student Success Planner; Personal Development Checklist;

         Decision-Making Chart; Self-Reflection, Mentoring, and Group Discussion Questions; and Success Team Inventory

         Click Here for the Stay in to Win “Keys to Student Success”


  • “Stay in to Win” Posters

           Click Here for the Posters


  • “Stay in to Win” Student Pledge

           Click Here for the Student Pledge


Program Overview

  1. Two to five players who are committed to completing their college degrees, and at least one member of the coaching staff, should be selected to deliver the Stay in to Win message highlighting the 5 Keys to Student Success.
  2.  “Stay in to Win” presentations may be offered in whole-school assemblies or in smaller classroom settings (which might require additional player-presenters), depending on school schedules, facilities, and grade levels of students to be included.
  3. Participating College Sports Information Departments may choose to prepare news releases to promote the collaborative effort of the colleges and schools in local communities through the NABC “Stay in to Win” initiative.  Please email photos of school visits in JPEG format to Eric Wieberg at, labeling all photos as to the date and schools visited and identifying college, coaches, and players pictured.   


Preparation of Player-Presenters

In order for coaches, players and other participating school staff to become familiar with the content of the “Stay in to Win” materials, brief training sessions should be conducted prior to school visits. Players, in particular, can maximize their effectiveness by reviewing the information and materials in the “Stay in to Win” Guidebook.

Following is a sample schedule for a 40 minute assembly or in-class presentation and a suggested timeframe, by topic, to ensure that presentations are complete and consistent across schools and among presenters.

12:30-12:40   Introduction of coach and athletes, comments by athletes, e.g. name, hometown, high school, expected date of graduation, major, career goals and why they wanted to participate in the NABC “Stay in to Win” Program.

12:40-1:00   Share Talking Points, emphasizing the 5 Keys to Success.

1:00-1:05   Hold up a Stay in to Win Guidebook and mention that the National Association of Basketball Coaches is providing the school with copies for each student to use to reinforce the team’s message. Mention that the content includes tools that will help the students reach their full potential and become more successful in school and in life.

1:05-1:10       Closing words of encouragement can emphasize the responsibility of the students for the decisions they make and the impact that decisions made at this time in their lives will have on their futures.

Students will be given their own copies of the Guidebook by the school staff and can refer to them throughout the year as they explore resources and gather information in support of their educational and career decisions.


The NABC would like to thank the coaches, players, teachers, and school administrators, in advance, for their participation in the “Stay in to Win” initiative.

For questions regarding the “Stay in to Win” Program initiative, please contact the NABC “Stay in to Win” Coordinator, Al Foderaro, at